Work on many long-stalled infrastructure projects in HCMC, such as the Long Kieng bridge in Nha Be District, the Tang Long and Nam Ly bridges in District 9, the Luong Dinh Cua and Nguyen Van Huong streets in District 2 and road No. 9 in Hoc Mon District, will resume next year.
The slow progress of these projects have left detrimental impacts on residents’ lives, endangering their safety in using a narrow and deteriorating bridge, negating their health from the dust from construction and affecting their business activities. The sight of constant congestion on those roads during peak hours is usual.
According to authority, the slow progress of these projects can be attributed to 2 main reasons and each can be solved with different solutions according to the management board’s plans:
1. Subjective reason: The delays in completing investment and bidding procedures and the limited capacity of consultants and contractors
Solution: To complete these delays, the management board is coordinating with the municipal Department of Transport and other relevant departments and agencies to simplify procedures, improve the bidding quality and enhance the supervision of projects to promptly eradicate obstacles.
2. Objective reason: The slow progress of site clearance
Solution: To solve this problem, the management board is meeting with the municipal government and the relevant agencies twice a week to accelerate the work. In addition, the investors of projects have worked with the authorities of districts where projects are being developed to persuade residents to hand over their land lots.
Authorities have pledged the site clearance for these long-stalled projects to happen in the near future, with different timelines listed below.
The completion of these transport infrastructure will ease people’ lives, especially in the movement of goods and people. As an investor, keeping yourself constantly updated on these cases of infrastructure news will help you stay relevant in the market and predict future market trends. Interested to know deeper in infrastructure in Ho Chi Minh City? Contact Broad Avenue Team right now for professional consultation and service.